Department of History had conducted Warli/Mural Painting Workshop on the 29th of October 2022 in the College Campus for 1st semester and 3rd semester History Students. 30 students actively participated in the workshop. This workshop was aligned with NEP syllabus of 1st semester and 3rd semester History. The main objective of this workshop was to help students understand the importance of history through Warli paintings. The students were assigned to express their own stories through Warli painting. This helped them explore their ability in creative imagination, skills in painting, innovation and communicate their thoughts to the class. For the same, students expressed stories on Agriculture, Festivals, Dance forms, love for music and instruments etc. and shared their stories and experience to their fellow friends. The event was a great success.

HIGHLIGHTS: Materials used in this workshop were Wastewater bottles, toothpicks, and paint. Students recycled the bottles into beautiful hanging and eco-friendly.