The World Alzheimer's Month Event, "Together for Dementia: The Blue Button Movement," commenced with the distribution of T-shirts adorned with information about dementia, setting the tone for the day's activities. Volunteers stationed around Sankey Lake held placards, actively engaging passersby and imparting knowledge about dementia, furthering the event's mission of spreading awareness.

The presence of esteemed Chief Guests, Dr. Ashwath Narayan CN and Ms. Surabhi Santosh, added gravitas to the occasion. Both delivered compelling talks, shedding light on the nuances of dementia and emphasizing the importance of support and understanding for those affected.

As the event progressed, individuals shared their personal experiences, offering poignant insights into the challenges and triumphs associated with dementia. These heartfelt narratives resonated deeply with the audience, fostering empathy and solidarity.

One of the most visually impactful moments of the day was the formation of a human-sized 'D' by participants, symbolizing unity and collective action in raising awareness for dementia. This powerful gesture underscored the event's overarching message of togetherness and advocacy.

Through a combination of informative sessions, personal anecdotes, and symbolic gestures, the event succeeded in its mission to educate, inspire, and unite individuals in the fight against dementia. It served as a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives in driving meaningful change and fostering a more compassionate society.